Monday, August 17, 2009

Day At The Beach

Just look at that face! Such a cutie. Of coarse I had to post my hansom Step-grandson as one of my first posts. He is awesome! This was our first day at Morfee Lake Beach this year. Megan and Levi came down with George and I and then Jeremy and Kyle showed up to hang out too.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our Inceredible World

How amazing nature is! Just look around you the next time you're going from point "A" to point "B". What color is the sky? Can you hear the birds singing in nearby trees? Notice...

Here are some great photos of our lakes and surrounding areas. Have a look, then sit back, close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by peaceful beauty and a sense of oneness with nature.

(Click your mouse on any
of the photos to get a full
size view.)

Girl Friends...

I love this photo. This was taken in October 2008 out at Gantahaz Lake. Just look at the beautiful rich colors surrounding this foursome... wow! Left to right are: me - Tracy, Anne, Leah and Glynis. Anne and Leah have since moved away and Glynis is keeping busy with a new baby. Our wonderful hikes are beautiful memories to treasure always.

The Great Outdoors!

I love being surrounded by nature in the great outdoors! The gentle breeze blowing through the trees, the melody of birds singing and squirrels chirping, the serene beauty of a lake, the majesty of the surrounding mountains... awesome! So what better way to enjoy such beauty than by kayak! George and I recently invested in a pair of kayaks for some quality time together connecting with Mother Nature. There are so many beautiful lakes and streams in our area. Sienna likes to come out with us too but can't decide who she wants to ride with. The kids have all tried them out with us, but we just can't seem to convince Avo to give it a shot.

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